How Long to Cook Frozen Curly Fries in Air Fryer?


Have you ever faced the disappointment of soggy or unevenly cooked curly fries when trying them in the air fryer? The struggle to achieve that perfect crispiness without burning them can be frustrating, not to mention the confusion over how long to cook frozen curly fries in an air fryer.

This article is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of cooking frozen curly fries to perfection using an air fryer. We’ll tackle common mistakes, provide step-by-step instructions, and share tips to ensure your curly fries are crispy, delicious, and ready to impress. Keep reading to unlock the secrets to flawless curly fries every time!

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How Long to Cook Frozen Curly Fries in Air Fryer? Step by Step Guide

Cooking frozen curly fries in an air fryer is not only convenient but also yields a wonderfully crispy result that’s hard to achieve with traditional frying methods. The key is to understand the right cooking duration and temperature settings for your air fryer model. Below, we will provide a detailed guide on how long to cook your frozen curly fries to achieve that golden, crunchy texture that makes them irresistible. Whether you’re a seasoned air fryer enthusiast or trying this method for the first time, our step-by-step instructions will ensure you get perfect results every time.

Factors Affecting Cooking Time

The time it takes to cook frozen curly fries in an air fryer can depend on several factors. These include the model and wattage of your air fryer, the quantity of fries you’re cooking, and your desired level of crispiness. Different air fryers may heat up differently and circulate air in unique ways, which means the same settings might not work identically across different models. Additionally, overcrowding your air fryer can lead to uneven cooking, while cooking in batches can ensure each fry is perfectly crispy. Lastly, personal preference plays a role; some people prefer their fries lightly golden while others love a crunchier, darker finish. Understanding these factors will help you adjust the cooking time and temperature to get the best results tailored to your taste and appliance.

Optimal Cooking Times for Different Air Fryer Models

When it comes to cooking frozen curly fries in your air fryer, finding the right balance of time and temperature is crucial for achieving that delectable crispiness. Though cooking times may vary slightly depending on the specific model of your air fryer and the amount of fries you’re preparing, here are general guidelines to help you start:

  • For a 3.5 to 4 Quart Air Fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 400°F. Cook a single layer of frozen curly fries for about 10-12 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through to ensure even cooking.
  • For a 5 to 6 Quart Air Fryer: If you’re working with a larger air fryer, you might be tempted to cook more fries at once. For best results, still aim for a single layer if possible, and cook at 400°F for 12-15 minutes, giving the basket a shake mid-way.
  • For Compact or Mini Air Fryers (below 3 Quarts): Due to their smaller size, these air fryers heat up quickly and can cook your curly fries in about 8-10 minutes at 400°F. Remember to shake the basket halfway through for that evenly crisp finish.

Keep in mind, these times are simply starting points. You may need to adjust slightly based on your air fryer model and personal crispiness preference. Always keep an eye on your fries during the final minutes to avoid overcooking. Happy frying!

What Kind of Curly Fries Can You Make in the Air Fryer?

When it comes to cooking in an air fryer, curly fries are not the only delicious option. In fact, the versatility of this kitchen gadget allows you to explore a wide range of curly fry options. From classic potato to sweet potato, zucchini, and even carrot curls, the possibilities are nearly endless. Each type offers a unique taste and texture, inviting you to experiment and find your personal favorite. Additionally, you can kick things up a notch by adding various seasonings before cooking, such as garlic powder, paprika, or a sprinkle of Parmesan, to create gourmet-style fries right at home. With the air fryer, you can enjoy healthier versions of your favorite curly fries without sacrificing that much-loved crispy exterior and fluffy interior.

Tips to Make the Best Frozen Curly Fries in the Air Fryer

Creating the perfect batch of frozen curly fries in your air fryer does not have to be a game of luck. With a few expert tips and tricks, you can consistently enjoy fries that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, every single time. Here are some essential tips to elevate your frozen curly fries from good to great:

  1. Ensure Even Cooking: Space your fries evenly in the air fryer basket to allow for maximum air circulation. Overcrowding can lead to steaming instead of frying, resulting in soggy fries.
  1. Temperature Matters: While 375°F is a general guideline, adjusting the temperature slightly based on your air fryer’s specific model and the type of fries can lead to better results. Experiment to find your sweet spot.
  2. The Importance of Shaking: Shaking the basket at regular intervals helps to rotate the fries, ensuring that each piece gets evenly exposed to the hot air. This is crucial for achieving that universally desired crispiness.
  3. Seasoning Timing: Although adding seasonings after cooking is the standard advice, experimenting with lightly seasoning your fries before cooking can also yield delicious results. Just be careful not to overdo it, as some seasonings can burn at high temperatures.
  4. Experiment with Cooking Times: Not all frozen curly fries are created equal, and neither are all air fryers. It’s important to start checking your fries a few minutes before the suggested cooking time ends to find the perfect doneness according to your preference.

By incorporating these tips, you’re well on your way to making the best frozen curly fries in your air fryer. Remember, perfection comes with practice and a bit of experimentation, so don’t be afraid to adjust and try new techniques to find what works best for you.

How Can I Make Frozen Fries More Crispy?

Making your frozen fries extra crispy is easier than you might think. The secret to getting that perfect crunch involves a couple of simple steps. First, make sure your air fryer is preheated before you add the fries. A hot environment right from the start helps the fries get a head start on crisping up. Next, avoid overcrowding the basket; this ensures each fry gets evenly exposed to the hot circulating air. Also, giving the basket a good shake midway through cooking can redistribute the fries, allowing all sides to crisp up nicely. Finally, consider spraying a light coat of cooking oil on the fries before cooking them. This little trick can make a significant difference in achieving that golden, crispy texture we all love. Remember, small adjustments can lead to the deliciously crispy fries you’re aiming for!

Tips for Customizing Air Fryer Curly Fries

Making curly fries in your air fryer is not just about cooking; it’s an art of customization that lets you play with flavors to match your unique taste. Here are some easy tips to help you customize your air fryer curly fries:

  1. Choose Your Cut: Start by choosing different cuts of potatoes or even other vegetables. Experiment with thickness and shapes to see how it changes the texture and taste.
  2. Seasoning Fun: Before cooking, toss your fries in a mix of your favorite spices. Think beyond salt – paprika, garlic powder, or even a dash of cayenne pepper can add a whole new dimension.
  3. Herb Magic: Fresh or dried herbs can transform your curly fries. Try rosemary, thyme, or dill for a gourmet touch.
  4. Cheese Please: A sprinkle of grated Parmesan or any other hard cheese right after cooking can add a deliciously savory layer.
  5. Dips & Sauces: Finally, don’t forget to pair your fries with creative dips and sauces. From classic ketchup to exotic aioli, the right dip can elevate your fries to the next level.

Remember, the key is to have fun and keep experimenting with different combinations to find your perfect curly fry creation!

Ingredients for Making Frozen Curly Fries in the Air Fryer

  • Frozen curly fries (as much as you want, but don’t overcrowd the basket)
  • Cooking oil spray (optional, for extra crispiness)
  • Your choice of seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic powder, etc., optional and to taste)
  • Dipping sauces and/or grated cheese for serving (optional)

Seasonings for Frozen Curly Fries in the Air Fryer

  •  Simple Salt & Pepper: Just a sprinkle of salt and pepper gives a classic flavor that’s hard to beat.
  • Garlic Powder: Add a dash of garlic powder for a hint of garlicky goodness.
  • Paprika: A sprinkle of paprika not only adds flavor but also a beautiful color.
  • Parmesan Cheese: Grate some Parmesan cheese over your fries right after cooking for a cheesy delight.
  • Cayenne Pepper: For those who like it spicy, a pinch of cayenne pepper can really kick things up.
  • Italian Herbs: A mix of dried Italian herbs like basil, oregano, and thyme can add a gourmet touch.
  • Ranch Seasoning: For a tangy twist, try tossing your fries in ranch seasoning before cooking.

What Brand of Curly Fries is Best?

Choosing the best brand of curly fries comes down to taste and quality. Arby’s Frozen Curly Fries are often praised for capturing the essence of fast-food style fries you can enjoy at home. They’re known for their perfect blend of spices and crispy texture. Ore-Ida is another top choice, offering a consistent quality with a satisfying crunch that can make any meal feel special. Last but not least, Alexia provides a more gourmet option with their organic ingredients and robust flavor profiles. While everyone has their favorites, trying a few different brands will help you find the perfect match for your taste buds.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cook Frozen Curly Fries in the Air Fryer

Cooking frozen curly fries in an air fryer to achieve that perfect blend of crispiness and tenderness is both an art and a science. The question “how long to cook frozen curly fries in an air fryer?” while seemingly simple, requires attention to several factors for optimal results. Follow these detailed steps to ensure your curly fries come out perfectly every time.


  1. Preheat Your Air Fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). This ensures the cooking environment is hot enough right from the beginning.
  2. Arrange the Fries: Place the frozen curly fries in the air fryer basket. Make sure they are spread out evenly in a single layer. Avoid overcrowding to ensure each fry cooks evenly.

Cooking Process

  1. Spray Oil (Optional): For extra crispiness, lightly spray the fries with cooking oil. This step is optional but can help achieve a golden crispy texture.
  2. Cooking Time: Cook the fries for about 10-15 minutes. The exact time might vary depending on your air fryer model and how crispy you like your fries.
  3. Shake Halfway Through: Halfway through the cooking time, open the air fryer and give the basket a good shake. This helps to redistribute the fries, ensuring all sides get crispy.

Seasoning (Optional)

  1. Season Your Fries: If you prefer seasoned fries, consider adding your favorite seasonings before cooking for a flavor boost. However, be cautious with seasonings that may burn at high temperatures.

Final Steps

  1. Check for Doneness: Start checking the fries a few minutes before the suggested cooking time ends. Depending on your preference, you might want them a bit more or less crispy.
  2. Serve Immediately: Once they’re done to your liking, remove the fries from the air fryer and serve immediately. Add any additional seasonings if desired, and pair with your favorite dipping sauces.


  • Remember, the exact cooking time can vary depending on the brand and model of your air fryer as well as the size and thickness of the fries.
  • Experimenting with cooking times and temperatures can help you find the perfect customization for your taste and the specific type of frozen curly fries you’re using.

By following these steps, you’ll find the answer to “how long to cook frozen curly fries in the air fryer?” is not just about the time but also about the technique for achieving the perfect batch of fries. Enjoy!

Can I Use Fresh Potatoes?

Yes, you can definitely use fresh potatoes to make your own version of curly fries. Start by washing your potatoes well and then using a spiralizer to achieve that classic curly shape. After spiralizing, soak the potato spirals in cold water for about 30 minutes to remove excess starch; this step helps in achieving crispier fries. Remember to dry the potatoes thoroughly before frying or air frying them. This process requires a bit more time and effort compared to using frozen curly fries, but it allows you to customize your fries with your favorite seasonings and thickness.

Reheating Frozen Curly Fries in the Air Fryer

Reheating your frozen curly fries in the air fryer is quick and easy. Follow this step-by-step guide to make your fries crispy and delicious again.

  1. Preheat the Air Fryer: Turn on your air fryer and preheat it to 350°F (about 175°C). This step makes sure the air fryer is ready for your fries.
  2. Arrange the Fries: Take your frozen curly fries and spread them out in the air fryer basket. It’s okay if they overlap a little, but try to spread them out for even heating.
  3. Reheat the Fries: Put the basket in the air fryer, and set the timer for 3 to 5 minutes. The time needed might vary based on your air fryer model and how many fries you’re reheating.
  4. Shake the Basket: Halfway through, pull out the basket and give it a nice shake. This helps the fries heat up evenly on all sides.
  5. Check the Fries: After the timer goes off, check your fries. If they’re not as crispy as you like, you can add another minute or two. Just be sure not to overdo it, as they can become too dry.
  6. Serve and Enjoy: Once they’re perfectly reheated, take the fries out and serve them. They’ll be just as tasty as when they were first made!

Note: Remember, all air fryers are a bit different. It might take a few tries to find the perfect timing for your specific model.


In conclusion, mastering the art of making perfect frozen curly fries in an air fryer is simpler than you might think. The question of “How Long to Cook Frozen Curly Fries in an Air Fryer?” does not have a one-size-fits-all answer, as it largely depends on your air fryer’s model, the type of frozen curly fries you’re using, and how crispy you prefer them. However, by following the basic steps outlined in this guide—preheating your air fryer, arranging the fries properly, optionally seasoning them, and shaking halfway through—you’re well on your way to enjoying delicious, crispy curly fries at home. Don’t forget, you can also start from scratch with fresh potatoes for a homemade touch or use the air fryer to reheat leftovers, ensuring they’re just as tasty the second time around. Experiment, adjust the cooking time as needed, and you’ll find the perfect method to suit your tastes.


Are frozen fries better in the oven or air fryer?

Frozen fries tend to be crispier and cook faster in an air fryer compared to an oven. The air fryer’s rapid air circulation technology ensures even cooking and a perfect golden exterior.

How long to reheat curly fries in the air fryer?

To reheat curly fries in the air fryer, it generally takes about 3-5 minutes at 350°F (175°C). Adjust the time based on the amount and your desired crispiness.

How long to bake frozen curly fries?

When baking frozen curly fries in a conventional oven, it typically takes about 20-25 minutes at 425°F (218°C), flipping them halfway through the cooking time for an even crisp.

How long to put Arby’s seasoned curly fries in air fryer?

Arby’s seasoned curly fries usually take about 10-15 minutes to cook in an air fryer set at 375°F (190°C). Always check a few minutes early to ensure they reach your preferred level of crispiness.

How long should frozen fries be in the air fryer?

For most frozen fries, the ideal air fryer cooking time is between 10-15 minutes at 375°F (190°C), depending on how crispy you like them. Remember to shake the basket halfway through for even cooking.

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