How Long to Cook Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer? Full Guide


Have you ever found yourself wondering how long to cook chicken sausage in air fryer? It’s a common question for many air fryer enthusiasts, and not having the answer can result in an overcooked, dry, or undercooked sausage.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our guide will help you perfectly cook chicken sausage in an air fryer, ensuring a juicy, well-cooked sausage every time.

So, if your first time cook or an expert kitchen soldier, stay within as we go deeper into the field of air fryer cooking and find the secret to perfectly cooked chicken sausage.

How Long to Cook Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 4

Exactly how long to cook chicken sausage in air fryer?

You might be asking, Exactly how long does it take to cook chicken sausage in the air fryer basket? Well, the magic number is typically between 8 to 12 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees

But wait, there’s more to it than that! We’ve got many tips and tricks to make sure your chicken sausage comes out of the air fryer crispy, flavorful, and perfectly cooked every time. We’ll also share some tasty air fryer recipe and useful air fryer techniques that go beyond the cooking time.

Air fryer chicken sausage recipe: Your Ultimate Guide to Perfection

Without a doubt, knowing how long to cook chicken sausage in an air fryer is important, but let’s also look at some handy tips and tricks that will make your sausages not only cooked but also mouth-wateringly irresistible.

1. Preheat the air fryer as follows:

Preheating your air fryer before cooking the chicken sausage, just like in traditional ovens, guarantees that your sausages cook evenly. This also helps the sausage brown well, improving its flavour.

2. Don’t stuff the Basket:

 It’s critical not to overlook the importance of spacing. Because air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food, make sure there is enough space for the air to flow freely. It may cause uneven cooking.

3. Scroll the Sausages Halfway:

 For a more uniform cooking process, flip the chicken sausages at the halfway point. This will give your sausages an ideal, perfectly even, crispy brown finish.

4. Check the internal temperature:

 As our 8-12 minute, 160 degree guideline is a good starting point, it’s always a good idea to check the internal temperature of the chicken sausage. If you want to make sure that your chicken sausage has reached the safe internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, use a meat thermometer.


This is a general formula for time and temperature to cook chicken sausage in air fryer. If you want to learn more, please read the short paragraph below; it will boost your cooking results.

Cooking Time for Different Air Fryers and Sausage Thickness.

The instructions that you have read above are a common formula for time management of cooking sausage in air fryer, but they do not apply to all types and thicknesses. It can vary depending on the thickness of your chicken sausage and the type of air fryer you have.

Adjust for Sausage Thickness:

If you’re using thicker chicken sausages, your cooking time may need to be increased a bit. Thicker sausages usually need more time to cook through to the centre. Try for another 2-3 minutes, but always use a meat thermometer to check that you’ve reached a safe internal temperature.

Consider Air Fryer Variations: 

Not all air fryers are the same. Some have more powerful heating elements, which may shorten the cooking time. It’s important to become in touch with your specific air fryer model and understand how it may affect cooking time. Reduce the heat and allow for a longer cooking time if you notice your chicken sausages browning too quickly. 

Consider Pre-Cooked Chicken Sausages:

 Pre-cooked chicken sausages are an easy way to save time. You’re basically just heating them up and giving them that attractive air-fried crispiness because they’re already cooked. Pre-cooked sausages usually only require 6-8 minutes in the air fryer.

The key is to balance the cooking time and temperature to get that perfect finish. You may need a few tries to discover the ideal setting for your specific air fryer model, but once you do, it’s a simple repeat procedure for delicious results every time. Remember, a slightly crunchy exterior enveloping a moist, flavorful interior is what you’re aiming for.

Explore additional cooking methods.

Beyond air frying, chicken sausages can also be cooked using several other methods:

1. Grilling:

Grilling imbues chicken sausages with a delightful smoky flavor and attractive grill marks. Preheat your grill to a medium heat, approximately 175°C (or 350°F). Grill the sausages for about 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally for even cooking. As with air frying, check for an internal temperature of 74°C (or 165°F) to ensure they’re thoroughly cooked.

2. Pan Frying:

 Pan frying is a quick and easy way to cook chicken sausages. Lightly oil a skillet and heat over medium heat. Add the sausages and cook for 12-15 minutes, until browned and cooked through.

3. Oven Baking:

Oven baking is a hands-off method ideal for cooking large quantities of sausages. Preheat your oven to 190°C (or 375°F) and arrange the sausages on a baking tray. Bake for about 20-25 minutes until they’re golden brown and cooked through, turning once during cooking.

Remember, irrespective of the method chosen, always ensure your chicken sausages reach the safe internal temperature for consumption.

Besides grilling, pan-frying, and oven baking, there are alternative methods to prepare chicken sausages that can be just as delicious.

4. Slow Cooker:

This method is perfect for those who prefer to “set it and forget it.” Simply place the chicken sausages in your slow cooker, add some broth or sauce for added flavor and moisture, and let it cook on low for 6-8 hours. This method results in tender, juicy sausages that can easily absorb the flavors of the added liquid.

5. Steaming:

Steaming is another healthy way to prepare chicken sausages. It preserves the natural flavor and nutrients without adding any extra fat or calories. To steam chicken sausages, place them in a steamer basket over a pot of boiling water, cover the pot, and let them cook for about 15 minutes.

6. Microwaving:

While not the most gourmet method, microwaving chicken sausages is a quick and easy option when you’re short on time. Pierce the sausages with a fork to prevent them from bursting, place them on a microwave-safe dish, and cook on high for about 1 minute per sausage, turning halfway through.

7. Microwaving:

 Poaching is a gentle cooking method that involves simmering food in liquid, like water, broth, or wine, at a low heat. This can be a great way to cook chicken sausages without adding extra fat, while also infusing them with some additional flavor. To poach, simply submerge the sausages in a pot of simmering liquid for about 20 minutes.

Each cooking method will yield a different texture and flavor, so consider the end result you desire when choosing your cooking technique.

How Long to Cook Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 3

Tips for Seasoning chicken sausages.

Seasoning chicken sausages can truly enhance their flavor and make your meals even more delicious. Here are a few tips to consider.

1. Marinade Magic:

 Marinating your chicken sausages before cooking can tenderize them and infuse them with additional flavor. A simple marinade of olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and your chosen herbs can work wonders.

2. Herb Infusion:

Herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage pair beautifully with chicken. Fresh herbs provide the most flavor, but dried herbs are more concentrated and can also be used effectively.

3. Spice it Up:

For a bit of heat, consider adding spices like cayenne pepper, paprika, or red pepper flakes.

4. Sweet Contrast:

To balance the savory flavor of the sausage, consider adding a touch of sweetness with ingredients like apple juice, maple syrup, or honey.

5. Salt and Pepper:

Don’t forget the basics. A good amount of salt and freshly ground pepper can enhance the natural flavor of the chicken sausages.

6. Allow the Flavors to Settle:

After seasoning or marinating your sausages, let them rest for a bit before cooking. This allows the flavors to penetrate more deeply into the meat.

Right components for Pairing chicken sausages.

Pairing chicken sausages with the right components can truly elevate your meals. Here are a few tips to consider:

1. Starchy Side:

Pair chicken sausages with starchy sides like mashed potatoes, polenta, or rice. These sides provide a nice contrast to the meaty sausages and can soak up any accompanying sauces or gravies.

2. Colorful Vegetables:

Roasted or grilled vegetables are excellent complements to chicken sausages. Consider vegetables like peppers, onions, zucchini, or eggplant. Not only do they add color and nutritional value to your plate, but they also balance the richness of the sausages.

3. Dips and Sauces:

Dips and sauces can add a lot of flavors to chicken sausages. Consider tangy barbeque sauce, spicy mustard, cool yogurt-based dips, or fresh salsa.

4. Wines:

If you enjoy wine with your meals, consider pairing chicken sausages with a medium-bodied white wine like a Pinot Gris or a light-bodied red wine like a Pinot Noir. If your sausages are spicy, a sweeter white wine like Riesling can help balance the heat.

5. Bread:

Bread is a classic pairing with sausages. A fresh baguette, a soft roll, or a pita can all make excellent vessels for a sausage sandwich.

Remember, pairing is about balancing flavors and textures, so feel free to get creative and try different combinations to find your personal favorites.

Chicken Sausage Storage Tips for Freshness and Safety.

Proper storage of chicken sausages is vital to maintain their freshness and prevent spoilage. Here are some tips to consider. Remember, always trust your senses – if the sausages have a strong, off smell or a slimy texture, it’s best to discard them. Always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to food safety.

1. Refrigeration:

Store uncooked chicken sausages in the fridge if you plan to use them within 2 days. Keep them in their original packaging until use to prevent drying out.

2. Freezing:

For longer storage, freeze chicken sausages. They can be frozen for up to 2 months without any significant loss of quality. Before freezing, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap and then in aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn.

3. Thawing:

Thaw frozen chicken sausages in the refrigerator overnight before cooking. Never thaw them at room temperature as it can lead to bacterial growth.

4. Cooked Sausages:

  Leftover cooked chicken sausages should be refrigerated within two hours of cooking and consumed within three to four days. They can also be frozen for up to two months.

5. Label and Date:

Always label and date your sausages before storing them. This will help you keep track of how long they’ve been stored and when they should be used by.

6. Avoid Cross Contamination:

 Store chicken sausages away from ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross-contamination.

Diverse Flavors of Chicken Sausage: A Culinary Adventure

Chicken sausages come in a variety of tantalizing flavors to cater to a range of palettes. Traditional Italian chicken sausage often incorporates fennel, garlic, and red pepper flakes for a zesty, aromatic taste. For something a bit spicier, Andouille chicken sausage offers a Cajun kick with its blend of paprika, cayenne, and thyme. Apple chicken sausage is a crowd-pleaser, delivering a sweet and savory profile with chunks of real apple and a hint of sage. Spinach and feta chicken sausage, with its tangy feta and leafy spinach, offers a Mediterranean flair. Each flavor variety brings its own unique taste to the table, making chicken sausage a versatile protein choice for many dishes.

Delectable Recipes Featuring Chicken Sausage for Varied Palates.

Chicken sausages can be used to create an array of delicious dishes. Remember, the key to these recipes is to cook your chicken sausages following the method mentioned above, ensuring they’re heated through and safe to eat.

1. Chicken Sausage Pasta:

Traditional Italian chicken sausages, tossed with your favorite pasta and a tangy tomato sauce, can create a hearty Italian feast. Add some grated parmesan and fresh basil on top for an extra burst of flavor.

2. Andouille Chicken Sausage Gumbo:

 Andouille chicken sausages can be used in a rich, hearty gumbo. Combined with a mix of vegetables, spices, and served with rice, this Cajun dish will surely warm you up.

3. Apple Chicken Sausage Salad:

 For a lighter option, apple chicken sausages can be sliced and tossed into a green salad, offering a delightful contrast of sweet and savory flavors.

4. Spinach and Feta Chicken Sausage Pita:

 Grilled spinach and feta chicken sausages can be sliced and served in a warm pita with some tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, and onions, offering a taste of the Mediterranean.


In the end, knowing how long to cook chicken sausage in an air fryer comes into knowing your specific air fryer model, the thickness of your sausages, and whether or not your sausages are pre-cooked. 

This guide should have given you a good starting point,but remember that perfect air-fried chicken sausage is achieved through a little trial and error. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right away! You’ll soon be able to cook a delicious, well-cooked, and juicy chicken sausage in an air fryer with time, patience, and some pre-heating, spacing, flipping, and temperature-checking. 

Remember that our initial recommendation of 8-12 minutes at 160 degrees is a great place to start. Continue experimenting, air frying, and most importantly, Continue to enjoy those delicious, crispy, and flavorful chicken sausages! Good luck in the kitchen!

How Long to Cook Chicken Sausage in Air Fryer 6


Do sausages taste good in air fryer?

Absolutely! Air frying sausages can enhance their flavor by creating a delightful crispy exterior while keeping the inside juicy and well-cooked.

Are sausages better in the air fryer or oven?

This can be subjective and depends on personal preference. Air frying is a bit quicker and can give the sausages a unique, crispy texture, while oven cooking might be preferable for those who enjoy a softer sausage.

How do you keep sausages from bursting in an air fryer?

To prevent sausages from bursting, do not overcook them and ensure there is enough space in the air fryer for hot air to circulate around each sausage.

What is the safe cooking temp for chicken sausage?

The safe internal temperature for cooking chicken sausage is 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

How long do thick sausages take in an air fryer?

Thicker sausages might need a little more time in the air fryer, typically an additional 2-3 minutes. However, it’s always best to use a meat thermometer to ensure a safe internal temperature.

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