Do Restaurants Use Air Fryers? Are air fryers good for commercial use?


In recent years, the question of “do restaurants use air fryers” has sparked considerable interest among food enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. This article explores the realms of modern culinary practices, particularly focusing on how air fryers are shaping or, more accurately, not shaping restaurant kitchens in 2024.

Understanding the reasons behind the adoption or rejection of air fryers by restaurants can offer insights into the evolving tastes and health preferences of consumers. Additionally, it shines a light on the ongoing debate between traditional deep frying and the newer, purportedly healthier air frying technique.

Whether you’re a food aficionado curious about the latest trends in dining out or a restaurant owner pondering over kitchen equipment upgrades, this article promises to unveil crucial aspects of cooking technology’s impact on contemporary cuisine. Continue reading to discover why the use of air fryers in restaurants is a topic worth your attention.

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Despite the growing popularity of air fryers in home kitchens, their presence in professional restaurant settings is quite limited. The primary allure of air fryers for home cooks is their convenience and perceived health benefits, offering a “fried” texture and taste without the use of large amounts of cooking oil. However, the story is quite different in commercial kitchens.

Popularity in Home Kitchens vs. Commercial Use

Air fryers have indeed revolutionized home cooking, making their way into the hearts and kitchens of health-conscious individuals and families. They offer a quick, easy, and healthier alternative to traditional frying, with minimal oil use and easy cleanup. In homes, where the volume of food cooked is considerably less, and the convenience of a simple, relatively healthier meal option is highly valued, air fryers shine as an essential kitchen gadget.

In contrast, the scenario in commercial kitchens of restaurants is significantly different. The essence of dishes served in restaurants leans heavily on authenticity and traditional flavors, which often involve traditional cooking methods, including deep frying. The taste, texture, and overall dining experience sought by restaurant-goers is something air fryers currently struggle to replicate entirely, especially for large volume cooking. This gap in expectation versus reality is a key factor why air fryers are not as popular in commercial kitchens compared to their celebrated status in home kitchens.

Why Some Restaurants Hesitate to Use Air Fryers

Despite the question, “do restaurants use air fryers?” being on the minds of many, several restaurants are hesitant to integrate air fryers into their kitchens. This hesitation stems from a variety of concerns, including issues related to taste and authenticity, challenges with managing large volumes of food, and limitations concerning the types of food that can be effectively cooked with air frying technology.

Concerns About Taste and Authenticity

One of the biggest reasons why some restaurants decide against using air fryers relates to taste and authenticity. Many chefs believe that air fryers cannot replicate the unique flavor and texture that traditional deep frying offers, which is often crucial to the authenticity of certain dishes.

Challenges With Volume and Speed

Another significant challenge is related to volume and speed. Restaurants typically serve a large number of customers, requiring the ability to cook food quickly and in large quantities. Many find that air fryers, which are often smaller and cook food more slowly than deep fryers, cannot keep up with the demand, especially during peak dining hours.

Limitations in Food Types Suitable for Air Frying

Lastly, there are limitations in the types of food that can be effectively air-fried. Not all dishes that traditionally require deep frying can be adapted for air fryers without compromising on taste or texture. This limitation restricts the use of air fryers in restaurants that serve a wide variety of cuisines.

The Benefits of Incorporating Air Fryers in Restaurant Kitchens

While the use of air fryers in restaurants isn’t as widespread as in home kitchens, there are undeniable advantages for those establishments that decide to integrate this modern cooking appliance. The benefits range from health-conscious offerings to operational efficiencies, making air fryers an appealing option for certain restaurants.

Healthier Menu Options With Lower Calorie Counts

One of the most compelling reasons for restaurants to consider air fryers is the health benefits associated with reduced oil usage. By utilizing superheated air to cook food, air fryers can create dishes with the desired crispy texture but significantly lower fat and calorie content compared to traditional deep frying. This aligns well with the growing consumer demand for healthier dining options without compromising on taste.

Enhanced Cooking Efficiency and Versatility

Air fryers boast impressive efficiency and versatility, allowing chefs to bake, grill, and fry using a single device. This versatility can help restaurants expand their menu offerings with minimal equipment changeover. Additionally, air fryers heat up quickly and cook food faster than conventional ovens, contributing to quicker service times, a vital aspect during busy restaurant hours.

Savings on Costs and Energy Usage

Operational cost savings are another advantage of utilizing air fryers in a commercial setting. They consume less energy than traditional fryers and ovens, leading to lower electricity bills. The reduced need for cooking oil not only cuts down on ingredient costs but also minimizes waste, contributing to a more eco-friendly kitchen operation. In an industry where profit margins are often slim, these savings can be a game-changer for many establishments.

Commercial Air Fryers: Understanding Types and Key Features

When considering integrating air fryers into commercial kitchens, understanding the diverse types and key features of commercial air fryers is essential. These insights can help restaurant owners and chefs make informed decisions on which air fryer suits their culinary needs the best.

Different Models of Commercial Air Fryers

An Overview of Commercial Air Fryer Models

There are mainly two types of commercial air fryers available on the market – countertop models and floor models. Countertop models are compact and can fit on most kitchen counters, making them ideal for kitchens with limited space or for establishments that plan to use them for specific menu items. Floor models are larger and have higher capacities, suitable for restaurants with high-volume frying needs. Both types boast a range of sizes and cooking capacities to cater to different demands.

What to Look for in a Commercial Air Fryer

Key Features for Restaurant Use

When selecting an air fryer for restaurant use, several key features should be considered to ensure it meets the demands of a professional kitchen. First, look for air fryers with high-capacity cooking chambers to accommodate large quantities of food. Temperature control is another critical feature; it should offer a broad range of temperatures to cook various dishes perfectly. In addition, quick preheat and cooking times are essential for maintaining efficient service during peak hours. Lastly, ease of cleaning and maintenance should not be overlooked, as these aspects significantly affect the daily operation of a restaurant kitchen.

Overcoming Problems with Commercial Air Fryers

Dealing with issues in using commercial air fryers in restaurants is easier than you might think. If you find the air fryer too slow, can’t cook enough food at once, or doesn’t make food taste like it’s deep-fried, don’t worry. There are simple solutions to these problems. First, planning meals and having multiple air fryers can help manage large orders during busy times. To make food taste better, experimenting with cooking times and temperatures can make a big difference. Don’t be afraid to try new recipes or adjustments to get that perfect taste and texture. Lastly, for bigger tasks, choosing larger or multiple air fryers will handle the workload better. It’s all about being creative and flexible in your approach.

How to Make Food Tasty with Air Fryers

Taste quality is a big worry when using air fryers in restaurants. People think air-fried food doesn’t taste as good as oil-fried foods. It’s true, food from air fryers is different. But, you can still make very yummy dishes with them. Use spices and marinades to add flavor. Also, don’t overcook the food because it can make it dry. Testing different cooking times and temperatures can help find the best way to cook each dish. Remember, practice makes perfect. With time, making tasty food with an air fryer gets easier.

Cost-Effectiveness of Using Air Fryers in Restaurants

Choosing air fryers for restaurant kitchens can save a lot of money in the long run. Air fryers use less oil, so the cost of buying oil goes down a lot. They also use less electricity than big ovens or deep fryers, which can lower your electricity bills. Plus, because they cook food faster, you can serve more customers quickly, possibly making more money each day. Air fryers are a good pick for restaurants wanting to save costs and be more eco-friendly.


In conclusion, air fryers are becoming more popular in restaurants because they help make food healthier, cook faster, and save money. This article has shown why and how places use them, like for making new types of food and keeping costs down. Looking ahead, it seems like more restaurants will start using air fryers. They’re good for the environment, customers like the healthier options, and they can make running a kitchen cheaper and more efficient. If restaurants keep finding new and creative ways to use air fryers, it’s likely they’ll become even more important in the food industry.


Why do restaurants not use air fryers?

Some restaurants don’t use air fryers because they have big kitchens with equipment that can cook a lot of food quickly. Air fryers are smaller and might not be enough for a busy restaurant. But, many places are starting to use them for their benefits.

Do professional cooks use air fryers?

Yes, professional cooks use air fryers. They like them because they can make food faster and healthier. Not all chefs use them, but many are starting to include air fryers in their kitchens.

Why are people getting rid of air fryers?

Some people stop using air fryers if they don’t have enough space in their kitchen or prefer other ways of cooking. Sometimes, they might not like the way the food tastes. But many still love using air fryers for their convenience.

What do professional chefs think of air fryers?

Professional chefs have different opinions on air fryers. Some think they are great for quick and healthy cooking, while others prefer traditional cooking methods. It depends on what kind of food they’re cooking and the style of their kitchen.

Does Gordon Ramsay like air fryers?

Gordon Ramsay has shown interest in using modern cooking methods, including air fryers, for making certain dishes healthier and faster. However, his exact opinion might vary depending on the dish and the cooking technique required.

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