Broad Breasted White Turkey – Characteristics, Care & Farming Guide


The Broad Breasted White Turkey is one of the most sought-after commercial turkey breeds in the world. It is known for its fast expansion, its large breast size and its the high yield of meat This breed is an ideal selection for small-scale and industrial chicken farmers. If you’re keeping them for private use or to sell knowing their traits as well as the proper treatment and methods of farming are essential to ensure the best outcomes.

In this article we’ll explore specific physical characteristics, the feeding necessities, habitat requirements as well as health concerns and tips for farming for raising White Turkeys with Broad Breasts.

Characteristics of Broad Breasted White Turkeys

1. Appearance & Size

The White Turkey with a Broad Breast can be distinguished due to its white feathers and its massive dimensions of the body and its broad chest. Contrary to heritage breeds that are bred for meat, this turkey was specifically developed for the production of meat. It features a slender body.

  • The weight of males (toms) may weigh 35 to 50 lbs, and females (hens) typically weigh between 15 to 25 pounds.
  • Size: Adult turkeys may be up to 04 feet tall. Toms much taller than hens.
  • White feathers make them clean and visually appealing appearance and makes the process of plucking much easier.
  • Large Breast: The breasts are an enormous breast. This makes the best selection for production of beef.

2. Growth Rate & Lifespan

Broad-Bristled White Turkeys are quickly growing, reaching their market weight between 16 and 20 weeks. But their speedy increase in weight leads to an extremely short life span, since they’re usually raised to provide food and are not able to last longer than 5 or 6 months in commercial environments.

3. Temperament & Behavior

The turkeys of this breed are typically gentle as well as calm and friendly which makes them easy to control. But, because of their dimension, they’re less active and agile like the heritage breeds, and require specific care to avoid injury or issues with mobility.

Housing & Habitat Requirements

A well-structured and well-managed living space is vital for the healthy raising of white turkeys that have a broad breast.

1. Space & Housing

  • Space for Indoors: Every turkey should have at most 4 square feet of space inside an chicken coop.
  • Outside Space: If it is free-ranging you can allow 10 square feet for each turkey in order to encourage fitness and healthy behaviors.
  • Airflow: Proper ventilation is essential to avoid ammonia accumulation from droppings.
  • Flooring: Make use of straws, pine shavings or sawdust as bedding. Make sure to change bedding frequently in order to ensure the cleanliness.

2. Temperature & Lighting

  • The Brooding Stage: For the first six weeks, turkeys (baby turkeys) require a heater that is set to 95 degrees, slowly diminuting by 5 degrees until they attain ambient temperatures.
  • Adult Turkeys maintain a pleasant temperature of between 50-70 degrees.
  • Lighting: Give 12-14 hours of sunlight every day, to promote healthy development.

Feeding & Nutrition

Feeding & Nutrition

A proper diet is essential in ensuring growth and high-quality.

1. Feeding Stages & Diet

  • Starter Feed (0-6 weeks) It is recommended that poultry be fed high-protein (28-30 percent) Turkey starter food in order to help promote healthy muscle development.
  • Growing Feed (7-16 Weeks) Limit protein consumption by 20-24% and incorporate the grains and vitamins essential to your diet.
  • Finisher Feed (17 weeks or more) Reduce protein levels to 16-18%. Optimizing the development of muscle and fat before processing.

2. Supplements & Hydration

  • Always offer clean, drinking water that is fresh to avoid dehydration.
  • Include probiotics and electrolytes in your water for better gut well-being.
  • Add grit for digestion.

Health & Common Diseases

Because of their dimensions and fast growth rate The broad breasted white turkeys can be susceptible to health issues.

1. Common Health Problems

  • Leg issues: The weight of their legs may cause leg deformities or mobility issues. Make sure you have a soft bed and enough room for moving.
  • Heart and respiratory problems: The rapid growth of children can put pressure on their cardiovascular system. Make sure to eat a balanced diet and avoid excessive overcrowding.
  • Blackhead Disease: This parasitic infection could be fatal. Keep poultry and turkeys apart, as well as keeping your home clean.

2. Preventative Care

  • Deworming regularly and vaccinations.
  • Food and water containers must be cleaned regularly.
  • Watch turkeys closely for signs of illness, such as lethargy diminished appetite, lethargy, or breathing problems.

Breeding & Reproduction

Contrary to breeds of heritage the Broad Breasted White Turkeys are unable to reproduce naturally because of their huge breasts. They need artificial insemination for reproduction.

Breeding Considerations

  • Farmers need to rely on regulated breeding programs.
  • Breeding should be managed by experts working in commercial environments.
  • Fertile eggs require an incubation period of up to 28 days prior the time of the eggs hatch.

Sustainable Farming & Ethical Considerations

In the case of those who are looking for sustainable agriculture, ethical concerns play an vital roles when raising white turkeys with broad breasts.

  • Ample space is needed to minimize injuries and stress.
  • Utilizing non-GMO and organic feed for superior meat quality.
  • Reducing the number of people in a farm to encourage humane agricultural methods.

Alternative Feeding Strategies

In order to reduce costs and increase sustainability, the farmers could explore other options for feeding:

  • Fermented Feeds: Increases digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Insect-Based Proteins: Mealworms, as well as the larvae of black soldier fly can add protein to your diet.
  • Grown on farms: Less the need for commercial feed.

Processing & Butchering

  • Butchering typically takes in the period between 16 and 22 weeks.
  • It is much easier to pluck due to the white feathers which don’t leave dark marks in the skin.
  • The meat should be chilled prior to storage or selling.

Farming & Meat Production

1. Raising Broad Breasted White Turkeys for Meat

  • They reach the an ideal weight for processing by 16-20 weeks.
  • Because of their dimension, they aren’t ideal for natural reproduction, and need artificial insemination to breed.
  • The meat they produce is tender and delicious, and in great demand. This makes them financially economically viable for small-scale farms and commercial enterprises.

2. Processing & Butchering

  • The process of butchering usually takes place within 16 to 22 weeks.
  • It is much easier to pluck due to white feathers that aren’t able to leave dark spots in the skin.
  • The meat should be chilled before storage and sale.

Pros & Cons of Raising Broad Breasted White Turkeys

Pros & Cons of Raising Broad Breasted White Turkeys


  • Quick growth rate. In less than five months.
  • A high meat yield. Large breast and fleshy body.
  • A good feed conversion ratio Effective use of feed to aid in weight growth.
  • A mild temperament. Easy to hold and handle.
  • Commercial production is a good fit. Profitable and high demand.


  • The short life span – typically, they are reared for meat only.
  • Heart and leg issues Because of weight growth.
  • It is not possible to breed naturally. artificial insemination.
  • Space requirements – Must have ample space to allow for growth that is healthy.


It is the Broad Breasted White Turkey is an ideal choice for those looking for a high level of meat production as well as profit. Although they need special care because of their dimension and speed of growth They are generally easy to control with the right diet, shelter, and medical care. If you’re raising them for commercial use or for personal consumption, adhering to the best guidelines for food, space management and preventing disease is the best way to ensure well-being and a productive turkey.

If you are interested in the farming of turkeys This breed has great opportunities for economic growth and a high-quality processing of meat, which makes it the top choice in the industry of poultry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long will it take to allow an Broad Breasted White Turkey to achieve the weight of a market?

Large Breasted White Turkeys usually attain market weight between about 16 to 20 weeks. In this period they experience rapid growth, and need an optimum diet that is high in protein as well as important nutrients. Males (toms) generally grow quicker and larger over females (hens) in the form of toms weighing between 30-40 pounds while hens typically attain 15-25 pounds. A proper diet, a suitable shelter, and a careful observation of their development are essential for ensuring that they develop in a healthy way without any health issues.

2. Do Broad-Bristled White Turkeys reproduce in a natural way?

Yes, the White Turkeys with broad breasts can’t reproduce naturally because of the size of their breeding stock and mobility, which restricts their movement as well as their ability to mat effectively. In contrast, artificial insemination is the main method employed to breed these turkeys. This method of breeding ensures success in reproduction, and ensures top-quality animal meat production. If you intend to create a turkey breeding program, you’ll have to collaborate with an experienced breeder or master ways to artificially inseminate your turkeys to ensure the continuous development of your flock.

3. What can I do with the turkey in my Broad Breasted White Turkey?

Feeding White Turkeys with Broad Breasts A high protein diet is vital to their quick growth and overall health. In the beginning you should feed them an initial feed that contains 28-30% protein, which will help with the early stages of development. When they begin to grow and develop, they can slowly transition into a growing feed that has 20-22% protein, and then an ender feed that has around 16-18 percent protein. Apart from protein intake, your diet must comprise vital vitamins, minerals and cereals like soy meal and corn. Making sure they have clean and fresh drinking water throughout the day is crucial to their overall health and wellbeing.

4. Do Broad-Bristled White Turkeys suitable to free-range?

The Broad-Bristled White turkeys aren’t suitable for free-ranging due to their size and lack of mobility. Contrary to heritage breeds of turkey who are more mobile and more adept at the outdoors, Broad Breasted whites are bred to produce meat and may be a challenge to move. The weight of their bodies makes them more susceptible to joint problems and leg pain as well as more prone to attack by predators. If you do decide to give them an outdoor area, be sure to provide that the area is secure and enclosed and easy access to water and food in order to ensure they are secure and well.

5. How can I avoid the turkey from developing leg issues?

Problems with legs are frequent for the White Turkeys with broad breasts because of their speedy increase in weight and the hefty body structure. To avoid these problems make sure they are provided with comfortable, dry bedding. This will alleviate joint strain and keep away from rough surfaces that can cause injury. Be sure that they have ample room to move about comfortably because overcrowding could cause mobility issues. Diets that are balanced and that is rich in vital nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamin D are essential for healthy bones and strong joints. If you notice any symptoms of weak legs or limb weakness, contact an veterinary specialist for proper treatment and assistance.

6. What’s the optimal date for butchering to butcher a Broad Breasted White Turkey?

The optimal butchering time for the Broad Breasted White Turkey is between 16 to 22 weeks. In this point, they’ve reached their maximum mass and quality of meat and are able to provide the perfect combination of flavor and tenderness. If you harvest them earlier, the animals could be smaller. On the other hand, being too patient can lead to harder meat as a result of over muscular development. Correct processing methods, such as the use of a humane approach and proper chilling techniques, improve the overall good quality of the food. If you are planning to raise turkeys for your personal use or for sale, determining the best time to start the growth of your turkey and then butchering it accordingly is the most effective way to ensure maximum results.

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